I want to start off and apologize for my abrupt silence for the past little while. Life got really hard really fast. I suddenly found myself taking some of the hardest classes of my college career (including one law class that, I swear, was trying to kill me) along with balancing my grief around the holidays and watching my business flourish online with record sales in my last three months. Blogging, and most social media, really took a back burner as I was filling orders in between writing papers and studying for tests.
On top of that, I am suddenly pregnant again with our last child.
So, things are complicated. The holidays were tough to trudge through. I missed my twins with every breath. My new little person grew by leaps and bounds. I'm already feeling little kicks and I am just 15 weeks along. My etsy shop has exploded, keeping me busy.
Now, with 2014 officially in the books and completely behind me, I think I am ready to start looking forward instead of back. I'm looking forward to a new semester of college classes (my second to last semester before graduation!), I am looking forward to the birth of our last child this summer, I am looking forward to a bit more free time and more time to spend focusing on my business.
Let's do this, 2015! Fresh start!